Living EssenceIntegrated Energy Healing, Reiki, EFT and Meditation
in North and Central London

Diploma in Practical Spirituality and Wellness
Mindfulness for Everyday Life Classes
Reiki Courses
Healing Events

Diploma in Practical Spirituality and Wellness

(Crossfields Institute Level 3)
This pioneering professional Diploma qualification, which was originally developed by William Bloom PhD, has been put on hold for 2020.
We are working on offering an online or hybrid (part online, part live) version for 2021. The course will take you on a one-year journey spaced over 8 in-person weekends with lots of practice, reflection and guided peer-group work between teaching days. Whilst you will have to complete some written work for your portfolio, the programme is designed to be experiential and embodied rather than academic. You will learn about the health benefits of spirituality, develop and deepen your own spiritual practice and self-care and learn how to hold and support others on their journey. The course offers a heart-based safe space for personal and spiritual exploration and growth as well as the first UK qualification integrating spirituality and healthcare to be on the Ofqual Register, the government overseer of qualifications. Graduates of the course have the opportunity to become members of the Spiritual Companions Network and practise as Spiritual Health Mentors/Coaches. Participating in this training will be a great asset for anyone already working in a therapeutic, caring or educational setting, or anyone simply wishing to develop and deepen their spiritual practice in a non-religious, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually literate environment.

Where: Spiral Centre, Islington, 2 Shelburne Rd, London N7 6DL
When: tbc, most likely a mid-2021 start
Time Investment: 96 contact hours, ca 300 self-directed learning hours
Personal Investment: £1950 which includes a learner registration fee of £350 for the accreditation
Click here for a more detailed description of the course or contact me directly to find out more.

Meditation Classes

Mindfulness For Everyday Life: An Evening Class for Beginners

These classes are held in Muswell Hill (Methodist Church, North Bank Centre).
They take place during term time and students need to commit for four weeks. I am currently recruiting students fo the autumn course, so please get in touch if you would like to register for the autumn course.
You have the opportunity explore different types of meditation so that you can find out which one works best for you. Amongst other techniques we are exploring:

  • Mindfulness
  • Body Scan
  • Focus on Breath and Body
  • Stillness in Motion (moving meditation)
  • Sound Meditation
  • Loving Kindness Meditation
  • The Endorphin Effect

I particularly welcome absolute beginners and students who have tried meditation before, but gave up in frustration because the method they tried not work for them. The techniques taught are suitable for all ages and abilities, and they are secular and compatible with any belief or religion. The teaching is supported by audio files so that students can practice under guidance between sessions.

Where: Muswell Hill Methodist Church, North Bank Centre, Pages Lane, London N10 or online
When: Flexible, depending on the preference of the group
Personal Investment: £60 for the course.

"It has been a hugely positive experience for me, and I am benefiting from several of the approaches you introduced, including the body scan, 'smiling into the body', and conscious breathing ('In/out, deep/slow,...'). Haven't much used the chanting, though looking forward to deploying it when no one else in within earshot! Thank you so very much for being an excellent teacher." R.M., London

Reiki Courses

All my workshops are experiential and offer a balance of lectures, guided meditations, visualisations and group healings. I take my responsibility as a Reiki teacher seriously and will offer you assistance via email, phone and in person any time you need to discuss aspects of your personal process in relation to Reiki once you have trained with me. I also offer Reiki Development days as an opportunity for students to reconnect with the energy and practice on each other in-between degrees.

Stop Press: I am currently only accepting existing clients and students for Reiki courses as I need to prioritise my resources.

At the Shoden (First Degree) workshop you receive:

  • An introduction to how Reiki works: The Human Energy Field - chakras and layers of the aura - and how they relate to physical, emotional and mental issues.
  • Attunements to open your crown, brow, heart and hand chakras to allow and enhance the flow of Ki energy through your system and be transmitted through your hands.
  • A short history of Reiki (Eastern and Western traditions) and your lineage
  • The Five Reiki Precepts
  • Instructions and exercises on breathing and grounding
  • The hand positions to treat yourself and others
  • The opportunity to practice and experience giving and receiving Reiki energy.
  • A set of traditional Reiki self healing exercises for daily practice
  • A manual to illustrate the teachings and support you in deepening your practise at home.
  • A certificate, showing that you have completed the First Degree Reiki Attunements.
  • A CD with guided meditations and energy exercises to assist you in deepening your practice at home.

    After the workshop you will be able to use Reiki for treating yourself and others.

    I also offer optional Reiki training/development days designed for students who have completed Reiki I to prepare for Reiki II and support you in deepening your practice. Each workshop teaches you further techniques to use Reiki for your own benefit and that of others.

    Your personal investment for the Shoden (First Degree) workshop is £140, with a £30 deposit due when booking, £65 each for the development days. Click here to pay your deposit via Paypal.

    For those wishing to move on to the Second Degree, please contact me as I flexibly put on courses upon request.

    At the Okuden (Second Degree) workshop we cover the following:
  • You will receive one attunement to level 2, activating the 3 symbols in your energy system.
  • You will learn about the history, meaning and applications of the three Reiki symbols.
    The symbols greatly enhance the power of Ki flowing through you and also allow you to direct and use it in more focussed ways. We will experience the different energetic qualities of the symbols and their mantras (sounds) in meditation and you will learn to draw the symbols and memorise their mantras. You will learn how to use the symbols for:

        Distant Healing

        Space clearing

        Physical healing

        Emotional healing

        Self healing

        Sending Reiki across time and space and programming it to take effect at a designated time and place.

        Enhance the quality of food/drink and bless it

      Clear objects, especially crystals, and programme then for certain purposes
  • You will discuss and practise how to “hold space” for a person who comes for healing as a client.
    Since Reiki 2 enables you to offer your services to clients on a professional basis, I encourage my students to acquire and practise basic counselling skills such as active listening, reflecting back without interfering with the client’s process or trying to make them better. Clients may wish to “offload” verbally before we start the hands-on treatment. It is important that we are able to “hold the space” for the client, i.e. be in total loving acceptance, whatever they share, and to be empathetic, grounded and connected to Reiki / spirit, without trying to “fix” them. We use our group sharings during the day to practise our holding skill whilst listening to someone share…
  • We will discuss professional issues around starting a Reiki Practice.
    Information on professional associations, legal issues (advertising, treating children etc.), insurance, communicable diseases, client intake form and notes, data protection etc…
  • And there will be plenty of opportunity to practise on each other.

    I am a registered Master /Teacher with the UK Reiki Federation and at the end of the course you will be given a Reiki 2 Certificate, which enables you to register as a practitioner and get professional insurance), a substantial hand-out containing all the information taught in the course and more and of course, I will be there for you at the end of the phone or email for life whenever you need support with your practice.

    Personal Investment for the one-day intensive Okuden course: £150, with a £60 deposit due on booking. Concessions are available, please talk to me. To pay your deposit via Paypal, please click here.

    Shinpiden (Third Degree) courses are available upon request.
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Healing Events

I occasionally hold evening workshops or talks at the Buddha on a Bicycle in Covent Garden and am in the process of developing a curriculum for a series of weekend workshops and residentials, so watch this space.....

Courses. Angel50p

El Angel by Moira Gil John

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