Living EssenceIntegrated Energy Healing, Reiki, EFT and Meditation
in North and Central London

About Andrea. headshot 21-2

Who am I?

The search for my true self led through many professional and personal permutations: From international business woman to holistic practitioner, from party girl to earth mother, from 80s hedonism to a deep commitment to personal and global healing.

Born and raised in Germany, I settled in London in the early nineties and built a successful career in the film industry. Despite all outward success, I kept creating great suffering in my personal life by repeating destructive relationship patterns over and over. It was my encounter with Reiki that helped me become ready for a committed personal relationship and motherhood.

The home birth of my son, a breech baby, was a rite of passage empowering me to trust my instincts at the deepest level. Through this primal event, I not only reconnected with the Earth and Nature but also became aware of my deep longing to serve as a healer. At first, I interpreted this calling politically and immersed myself into environmental activism until I was completely burned out and on the brink of depression. Eventually, I realised that all healing starts within and we all must become the change we wish to see in the world. If I wanted to see peace and harmony in the world, my heart had to find peace and harmony first.

Motivated by the desire to find a therapy modality that would help facilitate my own transformation and growth, I conducted extensive research on complementary therapies and methods of healing. This is how I came across Barbara Brennan’s work and The School of Energy Healing.

I started the 3 year professional training course in 2007 and graduated with a Diploma in Integrated Energy Healing in June 2010. My healing journey was truly transformational and life-changing: I faced the challenge of diving into the depths of my own woundings and felt the liberation and joy that comes from revealing and lovingly accepting all aspects of myself, the shadow and the light.

The study of Reichian psychotherapy character types led me to identify my own defence mechanisms, built up from earliest childhood or even from before birth. Through the process of Core Energetics and the practice of mindful self-reflection, I learned how these defence mechanisms can be brought into awareness and gently dissolved, layer by layer, allowing the true self to emerge undefended. I experienced first hand that when we finally let go of our defences and our ego, we re-connect to our "Essence", our divine core, a place where we simply surrender to what is, in total perfection, and where we know that:

We are spiritual beings having human experiences,
not human beings having spiritual experiences.


(Teilhard de Chardin)

After graduating from the three year training, I also became a Reiki Master/Teacher to seal my life commitment to healing. Fascinated by the seemingly unlimited potential of energy therapies, I actively engage in continuous professional development and keep adding new techniques and modalities to my core skills. In 2011, I completed the EFT Practitioner Training, followed by the advanced EFT Practitioner Training a year later. In summer 2016, I completed an NLP Practitioner Training which has enriched my portfolio with further coaching skills in the area of conversational change and inspired me to use light trance states to bring forth healing and deep transformation. My work is further informed by attachment theory and existential therapy, ideas that find their expression in the way in which I facilitate Inner Child work and companion my clients on their journey towards autonomy, meaning and ultimately towards peace with the Human Condition. For the last couple of years, I have been an avid student of Dr Joe Dispenza and I attended his advanced 7 day retreat in Cancun in June 2021.
I synergistically combine Mindfulness, somatic release (through movement or voice), EFT and elements of NLP into my healing and coaching sessions and the results never fail to surprise and amaze me.

The more I witness the empowering effects of this work on my clients on a daily basis, the more I am motivated to teach these skills directly, so that my students and clients can apply them in their daily lives. Whilst developing a range of classes, I trained with Dr.William Bloom from 2011 to 2014 and I am now a Spiritual Companions Mentor and Educator. During the academic year 2017-18, I served as a tutor on William Bloom's pioneering Diploma in Practical Spirituality and Wellness, which was the first if its kind to be accredited by Ofqual as a Level 3. I am a Spiritual Companions Educator and faculty member on the Diploma in Practical Spirituality and Wellness. I am qualified to teach in the lifelong learning sector (PTLLS) and have trained to be a meditation teacher with the British School of Meditation.

Over the years I have developed a particular interest in the latest cutting edge body-focussed approaches to mental health and their applications for issues such as developmental trauma, depression, anxiety, feelings of never being good enough and much more. Therefore I became a member of NICABM's Next Level Practitioner Program, a continuous professional development framework for advanced practitioners featuring world-class experts such as Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Levine, Stephen Porges and Pat Ogden.  My studies reaffirnmed earlier practical experience by underpinning it with the latest neurological research, making it a fascinating and on-going journey for me. I also participate in individual and group supervision in the various modalities I offer in order to ensure safety and professionalism.


The Universe keeps prompting me to walk my talk and rise to the challenges it puts into my path to turn crisis into growth. During the Pandemic, my in-person 1:1 practice all but collapsed as I spent long stretches of time in Germany, companioning both my parents on their last journey and transition. Subsequently, my 25 year marriage ended and, as I enter my 7th decade, I am finding myself in the exciting position of being given a completely fresh start as a newly single woman in a new home, with a new plan to contribute all my skill and experience to more clients than even before in new, mostly online ways.  Based on my own recent experiences of the crisis and growth cycle, I am developing a range of group and indvidual online coaching programmes, entitled THRIVE AFTER MIDLIFE, designed to facilitate transformation and change from any kind of midlife stuckness and crisis. I am so excited to be given the opportunity to learn and grow and keep contributing to changing the world by helping my clients transform and BECOME THE CHANGE THEY WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD!

Daily energy work and meditation practice continue to strengthen my connection to the wonder of Being and to the powerful energies of the Earth and the Universe. As long as we are alive, our process of growth and learning never stops. So, whilst my own process of self-inquiry and self-healing is ongoing, I offer to become your companion and guide on your journey. I hold a safe, non-judgemental and compassionate space for you to explore all aspects of your Self so you become empowered to take personal responsibility for your own path of awakening, healing and growth.


About Andrea. 11 Dimensions 50pc


Eleven Dimensions by Moira Gil John


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